Sherry Falk
Provide employment and training assistance to federal SNAP (food stamp) recipients. Provide services to Snohomish and King County residents. Provide vocational assessments, life skills training, job readiness training, vocational education case management, job search assistance, job placement assistance, and job retention.
BFET Program
Commerce Subsidized Employment Programs
Denny Jendruh | King County
Sherry Falk | Snohomish County
Community Jobs is a comprehensive, paid work program for TANF (welfare) recipients that combines a variety of activities to increase employability. Barrier removal and other intensive case management services are also provided.
Career Jump provides the same services as Community Jobs, however businesses make a commitment to hire the TANF (welfare) recipient sometime during, or at the end of, the training period.
Community Works provides TANF (welfare) recipients with an unpaid structured work activity that builds work ethics, soft skills, and work skills.
*** This project was supported by Grant No. 1302WATANF awarded by US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Points of view in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the HHS. Grant funds are administered by the WorkFirst Program, Washington State Department of Commerce.
Arthur Barhudarian
Washington State’s SNAP (food stamp) employment and training program is known as the Basic Food Employment and Training (BFET) program. It provides job search, job search training (soft skills), educational services (adult basic education, English as a second language, and high school equivalence), workforce skills training (vocational education), assistance with establishing small businesses, post-employment services, and other employment opportunities to Basic Food recipients who are not participating in the state’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. Unlike TANF, participation in BFET employment and training services is voluntary and there is no participation hour requirement.
The BFET program through ORIA program (sometimes referred to as ORIA BFET) offers the same services statewide as the general or mainstream BFET program with a focus on providing culturally and linguistically appropriate employment and training services to refugees and immigrants.
An individual is eligible to receive ORIA BFET services if he/she is:
- 16 years or older
- A federal food recipient
- A refugee or immigrant
- Not a U.S. citizen
- Not receiving refugee cash assistance (former RCA recipients are eligible for ORIA BFET)
TRACASSOCIATES is an EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER / PROGRAM | Auxiliary aids and services are available upon reques to individuals with disabilities. | TDD - WA Telecommunications Relay Service: 1-800-833-6384