Sherry Falk
Provides employment and case management services for the King County homeless population or those who are in danger of losing their housing. Assist in securing a stabilized housing situation; provide job readiness, vocational assessment, and help securing training funds. Case management while in training and provide direct job placement and retention services.
King County Homeless Employment (KC HEP)
Sherry Falk
Provide employment and case management services to Snohomish County individuals and families that are homeless or in danger of losing their housing. Assist in securing a stabilized housing situation; provide job readiness, vocational assessment, and job placement assistance. Provide intensive job placement and job retention services.
TRACASSOCIATES is an EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER / PROGRAM | Auxiliary aids and services are available upon reques to individuals with disabilities. | TDD - WA Telecommunications Relay Service: 1-800-833-6384