
We provide services in your primary language and in culturally appropriate ways.

The Limited English Proficiency Pathway (LEP) program helps refugees (5 years or less in the US) and parents receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (welfare) benefits to become employed.  Services include, but are not limited to:

- Job Preparation workshops on how to look for a job and Internet search, resume writing, interview skills, employer expectation.

 - Skills Training training to gain or improve a specific industry work skills.

- Community Service Activities: unpaid work with a nonprofit organization that benefits the community

- Work Experience Activities training: unpaid opportunities to practice work skills and gain work experience onsite with a nonprofit organization.

- Job Placement Assistance and Services in finding employment and providing post-employment job retention services.

- Transportation Support Services - provides assistance to help non-TANF refugee participants address transportation needs to participate in LEP Pathway activities. TANF recipients receive support services through their local DSHS Offices.




ORIA LEP Pathway



ORIA PRIME - Social Services



Only for refugees less than 5 years in the US providing social service case management including self-sufficiency workshops.  Assistance with housing, utilities, childcare, health insurance, and legal issues.



Career Ladder for Educated and/or Vocationally Experienced Refugees (CLEVER)



Assist recently arrived refugees and asylees that are foreign trained professionals to make the best use of their professional skills through respectful, innovative, and individualized career counseling and educational services. Development of career plans. Provide job preparation, job placement and retention services that lead towards careers in CLEVER program participants’ respective fields. Assist with paying for credential evaluations.



TRACASSOCIATES is an EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER / PROGRAM   |   Auxiliary aids and services are available upon reques to individuals with disabilities.   |   TDD - WA Telecommunications Relay Service:  1-800-833-6384