Formed in 1983, TRAC ASSOCIATES is a for-profit employment and training company based in Seattle, Washington. TRAC is a leader in providing vocational assistance throughout Western WA: with offices in Tacoma, Seattle, Kent, Tukwila, and Everett.

Our staff consists of 66 employees with 54 vocational counselors, case managers, job developers, navigators, workshop instructors, mental health specialists, and business service specialists. Our staff is co-located throughout the region beyond our physical office spaces, including Work Source Centers and Affiliates, CSOs, and Colleges.

We maintain a large cadre of highly qualified professionals that works in multiple employment and training programs. We have staff that are employment specialists, certified mental health counselors, certified vocational rehabilitation counselors, career coaches, healthcare navigators, experienced job developers, bilingual and bi-cultural in many languages (i.e., Spanish, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Chinese, Somali, Russian, Amharic, Oromo, Arabic, Swahili, Serbo-Croatian, Ukrainian, Farsi, Tigrinya, Romanian, Burmese), and highly skilled case managers.  We assist all job seekers achieve their personal employment goals while helping employers to fill their staffing needs.  As an agency, we manifest a dual purpose of serving the job seeker and employer in tandem.



TRACASSOCIATES is an EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER / PROGRAM   |   Auxiliary aids and services are available upon reques to individuals with disabilities.   |   TDD - WA Telecommunications Relay Service:  1-800-833-6384