is to provide comprehensive vocational assistance services for all job seekers regardless of personal circumstances, to match qualified candidates to appropriate job openings, and to increase the vocational skills of Western Washington job seekers and employees to meet the emerging need of employers.   Through our work, we hope to positively affect the lives of individuals, the local labor market, employee productivity, and the economic strength of our regional employers.  We strive to assist all disadvantaged job seekers, including disabled, veteran, homeless, public benefit recipients, Limited English Proficient (LEP), low-basic skills, illiterate, mature workers (55+), minority (including race, ethnicity, and religion), and long-term unemployed.

It is our goal to maintain diversity in funding that allows us to serve all job seekers and employers equally, without ever having to refuse services.   We envision our work as an integrated and integral part of the local labor market service initiatives put forth by all regional funders, workforce development agencies, government entities, and community based organizations.  We strive to weave our services into the fabric of assistance models existing within Western Washington and collaborate with other service providers to ensure all-inclusive services.  We achieve these goals by training job seekers in emergent labor market sectors, while respecting vocational diversity and customer choice.






formed in 1983, TRAC Associates is a for-profit employment and training company based in Seattle, Washington. TRAC is a leader in providing vocational assistance throughout Western WA: with offices in Tacoma, Seattle, Kent, Tukwila, and Everett.

Our staff consists of 66 employees with 54 vocational counselors, case managers, job developers, navigators, workshop instructors, mental health specialists, and business service specialists. Our staff is co-located throughout the region beyond our physical office spaces, including Work Source Centers and Affiliates, CSOs, and Colleges.






1995 - 1996 - Largest TANF subcontractor

1996 - Small Business of the Year Award

1997 - Exceeded Seattle Jobs Initiative  placement goal by 200%

1998 - Outstanding WorkFirst Contribution Award

1998 - Leader in Working with Non Custodial Parents by the Department of Probation

1998 - 1999 - Sole Employment Security Provider for Hard to Serve clients in Snohomish County

1998 - 2001 - Top Welfare-to-Work performer in King County

2005 - 2011 - First or second highest unsubsidized employment rate in Community Jobs program

2008 - 2011 - Top Performer in State of Washington WIA Dislocated Worker Program for placement wage, wage replacement, and post-training wage

2008 - 2011 - Top Performer in State of Washington WIA Adult Program for placement wage and post-training wage

2012 - 2015 - Most Limited English Proficient Welfare recipients provided employment services in Washington State




TRACASSOCIATES is an EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER / PROGRAM   |   Auxiliary aids and services are available upon reques to individuals with disabilities.   |   TDD - WA Telecommunications Relay Service: 1-800-833-6384