Art Dreeben
The Dislocated Worker Program is an employment and training assistance program for individuals who are collecting unemployment insurance or have exhausted unemployment compensation. The program tailors employment and training services to meet dislocated workers' needs; works with workers and firms facing substantial layoffs; and encourages labor, management, and community partnerships with government to address worker dislocation.
Dislocated workers are eligible for services such as skill assessment, labor market information, job search and job placement assistance. Additional services are available for eligible dislocated workers who need additional help in getting jobs. The sequence of services is individualized and may include more intensive assessments, counseling, and prevocational and vocational training.
*** TRAC Associates receives support and funding from US Department of Labor grant. Read more about USDOL grant funding at:
Career Pathways
Mike Hayden
Career Pathways is a career development program offered through TRAC Associates and the Workforce Development Council, currently serving employees of Group Health Cooperative and Evergreen Health Medical Center (members SEIU 1199 NW). A career specialist is available to work with employees in identifying high-demand health-care careers and educational opportunities. Tuition assistance may be available to cover partial training costs.
Seattle Housing Authority (SHA) for Residents of Yesler Terrace & adjacent “Target Neighborhoods”
Bob Falk
Job placement & retention services for Yesler Terrace and adjacent neighborhood residents. Referrals for program are through SHA case managers & walk-ins from specific neighbors that request services. SHA case manager works with resident job seekers to resolve employment barriers. TRAC job developer helps job-ready residents find employment + 6 months retention service. Help secure funds for vocational training and provide support services when needed.
Seattle Housing Authority (SHA) – Chase Grant
Bob Falk
Seattle Housing Authority (SHA) – Chase Grant program available to any SHA resident in Seattle, referred through SHA counselors or general word of mouth. Employment Services include: Vocational Assessment; Identification of targeted growth sectors; Navigation help to identify training programs within the Seattle College District and private training providers; Tuition assistance (ITA), Support services; Job placement & retention support.
TRACASSOCIATES is an EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER and PROVIDER of EMPLOYMENT and TRAINING SERVICES | Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request | TDD / WA Telecommunications Relay Service: 1-800-833-6384